Monday, March 10, 2008

Determining Fate.

Everyday we turn on the television and hear what happened yesterday, or what could possibly happen tomorrow. We hear what the latest trends are what should definitely be thrown away if owned. Everyday we hear from our peers the correct way to act, the correct way eat sleep and breathe. How would it feel to know that your birth was also chosen for you? To know that not only will you be told from random people around you how to comb your hair, but also have your hair color chosen for you? Genetic engineering can completely throw off fate, and turn you into their creation.
There are two way of looking at Genetic engineering. The first is the positive side, the side where you can decide how your child’s life will unravel. No parent in this world I am sure wants to ever see their child suffer. When born with diseases it cripples the child from ever being normal, and for many people it is hard to view them as a healthy part of society. If Genetic engineering could minimize the amount of possible early deaths as well from eliminating diseases that would also be a positive stand point while choosing the babies chromosomes.
However, this type of engineering costs large amounts. No one would be paying for it aside from you yourself whether you are for it, or against it. Also it is always possible that the parent would like to choose the child’s genetic characteristics for their own benefit. Maybe they want a child that would be extremely popular, so they would pick a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. Using Genetic Engineering in this way would anger many. You are suppose to want to use it to eliminate diseases and the risks of diseases in your child, not make them the most popular athlete in school.
There are many ways to look at this type of research. There are many positives, and many negatives. It has come to be a very sensitive subject, for reasons that not all of America agrees with it, and also not everyone knows enough about it. In my past conversations I have found many people not agreeing with this subject of acting as God. When it comes to what life can bring, it should only be up to God.


theteach said...

You write, "Genetic engineering can completely throw off fate, and turn you into their creation." Or does it create a new fate? You have me wondering. The genetically engineered child still has to live a life. Even though designed in a particular way, does that mean it is designed as everyone else.

Throughout these blogs, there seems to be a consensus that all genetically engineered children will be the same, but that is not necessarily true. I cannot imagine the Chinese designing their children to look like caucasians. Would all parents want children 6'5"?

You cause me to ask another 2 questions: How many decades will it take for everyone to a genetically engineered person? Will there be people in future times who will want to modify what they have?

I encourage you to include facts and data if you revise. Your argument will be much stronger and will not be considered just an opinion. Keep writing!!!

BlueFlame said...

I agree with you with certainly in this day and age there would be many people out there wanting to use genetic engineering for their own gains. I also agree that ones life is best handled by God. Interesting opinion and points. Good job.

Birdman said...

Nice post, I agree with you about how people should not be able to choose their child's fate. In the world we live in today, many people try to influence people on how to look and act. Parents should not be able to choose their child's eye and hair color.

anonymous said...
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anonymous said...

The Teach:
thank you for the constructive critiscm. I agree that I need stronger points on either side of the spectrum with this topic. I suppose the reason why it does not have much enthusiasm is because I don't feel that strongle about the subject. I can go either way. I agree and disagree with it, so I should have looked further into both sides of the argument.

anonymous said...

Thank you for agreeing with some of my stronger points. I'm sure that many people in this world can disagree with most of my arguments, but there are some who can also see a softer side to the topic.

anonymous said...

thank you for seeing some of my points as worthy to the subject. I have a strong opinion the God should be the deciding factor of whatever life may bring you, and I'm glad you can can feel the same.

theteach said...

Anonymous writes: "I suppose the reason why it does not have much enthusiasm is because I don't feel that strongle about the subject. I can go either way. I agree and disagree with it, so I should have looked further into both sides of the argument."

When I find I don't have much interest in a subject, I try to look more deeply into it to see if there is something no one else has noticed. Also I find that reading more helps.

Until I began reading these blogs, I had only a passing interest in genetic engineering. I don't know I will keep reading about it, but all of you gave made me consider various facets of the problem.

You are just beginning your lives and will have to contend with such matters as genetic engineering. I do not envy you that challenge.