Thursday, December 6, 2007

Important object.

I have a teddy bear named Howie who is very important to me. He is a soft golden curly haired bear with dark black eyes and a perfect round nose. Howie was given to me when I was four on Christmas day. I fell in love with him as soon as I opened to the box. His large ears popped out over the tissue paper and felt like velvet against my hand. Howie has been through ups and downs with me, along side me through anything. He is my security bear, a raggedy old thing with a comfortable feeling.
When I was young I was terrified of the dark, and so you could always find Howie clenched between my clammy hands until I could see the sun rise through my window. He went everywhere with me. Howie visited places like the grocery store, my Grandma's, the mall, and many other car traveled places. We use to sit in McDonald's and eat our french fries and play with our Happy Meal toy. I use to hold his hand when we went across the street, I did not want him getting hit by a car. We use to play tea party in the back yard on warm spring days, and jumped in leaves on cool fall mornings.
Today Howie mainly resides on my bed, up against my pillows. One thing that has not changed is that when night falls you can still find Howie squeezed between my arms under the covers. He brings a secure feeling to me. I understand I will not always be able to have Howie around, but for right now I can, and I enjoy it. I have become very attached to him, different then becoming attached to a human. I feel good knowing I can curl up at night and smooch my face into his fuzzy gold locks. Howie is a very important object to me, and I will always have him somewhere close by.


Cole said...

This is cute. You were very descriptive, but maybe you could try and make it show a little bit more about what is important to you, like maybe who gave it to you. You could talk about how you are reminded of them when you see your teddy. Otherwise, it was good.

elleinad said...

I like the way your very descriptive with what you and Howie used to do, but i think you should go into more detail about how exactly he protected you and from what. Who gave you the bear? Thats an extremly important part you left out. otherwise good.